Wednesday, August 18, 2010

CoLLeCTion #10 -- PaRT 3

A - use it with lace headband. u may choose from black, cream,
white plus a few colors more. juz add RM1.50 for da lace.
B - use it as clippies

RM 17.00 one.

If u r interested,
let me know the kod..
example : iccc001- item#A kuantiti -1

AA - 1 unit
BB - 2 unit

CC - 1 unit (sold to yanti)
DD - sold

EE - 2 unit (1 sold to k. ana; 1 book by isya)
FF - 1 unit

GG - 1 unit
HH - 1 unit

ii - 1 unit
JJ - 1 unit

KK - 1 unit
LL - 2 unit (1 book by k.nisa;1 available)

MM - 1 unit
NN - 1 unit

OO - 1 unit
PP - 1 unit

QQ - 1 unit
RR - 1 unit

CoLLeCTion #10 -- PaRT 2

A - use it with lace headband. u may choose from black, cream,
white plus a few colors more. juz add RM1.50 for da lace.
B - use it as clippies

RM 17.00 one.

If u r interested,
let me know the kod..
example : iccc001- item#A kuantiti -1

-- sold --

O - 1 unit
P - 2 unit (1 book by elani; 1 available)

Q - 2 unit
R - 2 unit (1 sold to yanti; 1 available)

S - 2 unit
T - 2 unit (1 book by k.nisa ; 1 available)

U - sold
V - 6 unit

W - sold
X - 1 unit

Y – 1 unit ( sold to min)

Z - 1 unit

CoLLeCTion #10 -- PaRT 1

A - use it with lace headband. u may choose from black, cream,
white plus a few colors more. juz add RM1.50 for da lace.
B - use it as clippies

RM 17.00 one.

If u r interested,
let me know the kod..
example : iccc001- item#A kuantiti -1

A - 2 unit
B - 2 unit

C - 2 unit
D - 2 unit

E - 2 unit
F - 2 unit

G - 2 unit
H - 2 unit

i - 2 unit
J - 3 unit (1 book by emalina; 2 available)

-- sold --

New item @ CoLLecTion #9

we had add some new clippies at collection #9. have a look, frenz. if u r interested, juz contact us @

hairclip using snap clip

RM5.00 satu

if u r interested,
letme know the kod..
example : ichc009- item#A kuantiti -1

hairclip using snap clip

RM5.00 satu

if u r interested,
letme know the kod..
example : ichc010- item#A kuantiti -1

hairclip using snap clip

ICHC011-A - RM5.00 satu
ICHC011-B - RM7.00 satu

-- ari nie nak bukak pose aper ek?---

Sunday, August 8, 2010

New item @ CoLLecTion #9

hairclip using Alligator clip


if u r interested,
letme know the kod..
example : ichc008- item#A kuantiti -1

CoLLecTion #9

its a collection of hairclip for todler and adult. jom jenguk sat... something for u n ur lil ones. interested? juz send me email to or juz drop me mesg at my inbox...

1. baby hairclip using alligator clip

satu : RM3.50
2 unit(boleh mix): RM7.00
3 unit (boleh mix) : RM10.00

if u r interested,
letme know the kod..
example : ichc001- item#1 kuantiti -1

2. hairclip using french barrette clip
PRICE : RM15.00

hairclip using french barrette clip

hairclip using french barrette clip

hairclip using french barrette clip

hairclip using french barrette clip


RM 10.00 sepasang. u may choose color from below pic.

3. spiral hairclip using alligator clip
PRICE : RM7.00 per unit.
each design have only 2 units.

if u r interested, let me know the kod..
example : ichc007- item#A kuantiti -1

CoLLecTion #8

its another headband collection for todler and adult. jom jenguk sat... something for u n ur lil ones. interested? juz send me email to or juz drop me mesg at my inbox...

available : 2

available : 2

available : 2

available : 1

available : 2

available : 1

CoLLecTion #7

its 4 stacked bow. if u r interested, juz pm me or email me to

u may choose ur own color.
price RM 18.00